
Hi there, I'm an aspiring artist trying to get by doing what I love. Feel free to contact me anytime, I usually reply within 72 hours.
Please leave this page, if you are not 18+

For other business related inquiries, please contact me via twitter or email.

Commission Infos

General details:

I will contact you within 72 hours after receiving your commission form submission, to discuss the details of you request. Please be very direct about what you want.

  • Please take a good look at my illustrations/sketches before commissioning me!

  • I do not offer refunds unless I feel they are warranted.

  • I will draw NSFW commissions for an additional fee.

  • Time to completion depends on workload/personal life, expect about 1-2 months.

  • To commission me, please fill out this Commission Form.

  • Most things are negotiable (see * below)

  • Drawings will be solo character only*

  • Drawings will either have no background, or a simple colored background*

  • Drawings are not guaranteed to be full body unless specified*

Emotes - 15€/Emote (currently CLOSED)

I draw you an emote for twitch/discord with the appropriate sizes. If you want something specific you may provide references and examples, HOWEVER I don't copy personal emotes, so don't expect something exactly like your reference.

Colored Sketch - 30€

A rough, colored and shaded where I put more effort into getting the idea across, rather than making a full illustration.

Lineart - 30€

A finished lineart drawing without shading or color*. For cases where a full illustration is too much and a sketch is too little. Can be combined in multiples into a "comic strip" style commission, if needed.

Chibi / Meme - 45€

Provide me a character you want as a chibi or a meme/meme prompt, you want to have drawn with specific characters/OCs and it shall be done. This one is specifically for smaller, postable framed images or chibis, so no full body drawings (except for the chibi).

Character Art - 90€

An up to 3/4 body character/drawing in pose without much environment interaction and a single color background.

Illustration - 150€

A full character illustration with up to full body drawings, an added background and environmental interaction, if requested. I put 110% effort into these - no rushing it whatsoever!

Character Design & Reference Sheet - 250€ (currently CLOSED)

I will create an original character (OC) design for you, going by your input and wishes. Furthermore I will make a full reference sheet for that OC, so you can get more art/assets for your OC in the future.

Will charge extra for:

  • multiple characters

  • drawing outside comfort zone (will communicate that)

  • detailed / themed backgrounds

  • NSFW or additional nude versions

  • Private commissions (will not be shared publicly)

  • Rights for commercial use (+30% final price)

Will NOT draw:

  • gore

  • mecha

  • real people (IRL personas)

  • full furry/animal characters (mascots/animal traits are ok)*

  • focus on male characters*

  • extremely detailed designs /clothing /hair / etc.*

Terms of Service

General details:

I reserve the right to decline a commission request for any reason.

  • I automatically decline any Commissions that include AI images as references.

  • You are required to credit me (Phlyo) as the artist for the commissioned art, should you post/show it publicly.

  • I retain the right to cancel a commission from rude customers without refunds.

  • I retain the right to the commissioned art, so I may post it for personal use or on my social media. However, I will respect secrecy if specified as such in the commission form/personal communication.

  • My commissions are designed to be customization in scale, adding options such as SFW/NSFW, secrecy/NDA and commercial use, for additional fees specified in the Commission Form.

  • If you require a specific aspect ratio/resolution, please be sure to point it out in the commission form.

  • You may use the commissioned art for private things such as memes, however I forbid the alteration of commissioned art without my consent.

  • Commercial rights can also be purchased at a later date, but might cost more than the fees specified in the commission form in that case.

  • Any form of AI use or training from my work, even when commissioned, is unauthorized. In case such unauthorized images are generated from an AI either trained from my work or as input (for example generating a finished artwork from a sketch), I gain all rights to those generated images.

  • If you have any questions regarding my ToS or anything pertaining to my process or commissions, feel free to contact me via email.

Commissioning and Payment:

  • I will draw the commission in my own style. Please be aware of this before commissioning me. You can look at my art Gallery for reference.

  • Commissions are selected based on my personal preference and what I'm most comfortable with/interested in drawing, rather than being „first come-first serve“.

  • Payment will be done through PayPal Invoice, in EUR(€) and 100% upfront. I will begin working on the commission after the invoice is paid.

  • No refunds once I have started to work on the commission.

  • Though unlikely, I reserve the right to cancel a commission at any point for any reason. Should it get to this, you will be notified and receive a full refund.

  • Chargebacks or commercial usage without appropriate payment will result in the withdrawal of your rights to all provided works.

Will draw:

  • Fanarts (preferably VTubers, OCs and other Anime style characters)

  • Mascot characters

  • SFW, Ecchi and NSFW (both suggestive and explicit)

  • Slightly anthropomorphic characters (cat-ears etc.)

Will NOT draw:

  • Gore

  • Mecha

  • Real people (IRL personas)

  • Full furry/animal characters

  • Focus on male characters

  • Very detailed backgrounds

  • Extremely detailed designs /clothing /hair / etc.

Work Process

  • I put my all into every commission and usually hop between commissions in order to keep my work interesting, so I may take between 2 weeks to 2 months (depending on my general workload). Please be aware of this.

  • Please always specify, if you need the commission to be finished until a certain date in the commission form. If I consider it to be a „rush commission“, I will ask for a rush fee to prioritize your commission.

  • While working on your commission, I will periodically update you on the progress and ask for feedback, so I can fulfill your wish as best as possible.

  • During the sketching phase, I will still be able to make major adjustments the pose and composition, so I encourage you to be as blunt and detailed with your feedback, as possible.

  • After the sketching phase, no major edits or changes will be made. For an additional fee, I will change parts of the drawing even past the coloring stage, but I will not redraw the entire commission.

  • You are responsible to point out errors/missing details and provide clear instructions for changes, when I send you WIPs for feedback, especially if I am working on a character that I am not familiar with.

  • Unless I overlooked an important detail and am at fault, no changes will be made to the finished commission.

By commissioning me, you agree to having read and accepted all the terms listed above.